I recently purchased a Blokees Thor figurine and I’d like to talk about it today!

My Blokees Thor figure.
What are Blokees?
People use the word Blokees in different ways. First, Blokees is a company that produces collectible plastic model figurines. These figurines have the Blokees brand and are referred to as Blokees themselves. At the time of this writing, the most popular Blokees are the Transformers line. But Blokees has been exploring other licenses, coming up with other series like Ultraman and Pokemon. Check out the official Blokees website for more information about them.
Last October 2024, Blokees released the Marvel Infinity Saga Superhero Series 01 line of figurines. The Blokees Thor figurine that I’ll be reviewing today is part of the Marvel Infinity Saga Superhero Series 01 line. Note that Marvel Blokees are blind boxes – you don’t know what figurine you’ll get until you open it.
Blokees Marvel General Stuff
The Blokees Marvel Infinity Saga Superhero Series 01 figurines are very similar to each other. Most of the figurines use the same parts for the chest and torso internals, arms, and legs. So, what can be said about a specific figure in terms of assembly and articulation also applies to other figurines in the same line. A Blokees Marvel figure comes disassembled inside a sealed opaque package. All the pieces are already cut and either colored or pre-painted. Even decals are already attached, so all you need to do is put the pieces together.

Having fun with my Marvel Blokees figurines.
Anyone used to Blokees figures should find assembly to be an easy task, especially since there isn’t a need to attach any decals or stickers. With a little bit of Blokees experience under my belt, it was quite easy for me to assemble Thor. One minor issue that I have is that it’s quite easy for a part to get dislodged, especially when posing them. But these figurines are meant for display and not for any rough play. Any part that’s dislodged during posing or handling can easily be put back again.
These Marvel Blokees figures also had decent articulation, which I didn’t expect for a small figurine that requires assembly. There are hinge joints for the knees and elbows, and ball-and-socket joints for the shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles. The neck piece allows for the head to have some rotation. When assembled, these Marvel Blokees figures are definitely poseable.
Appearance and Details
I don’t expect one-to-one accuracy with the reference material, but I still expect these figurines to be close to what they are representing. And because of some odd color choices, I was disappointed with Blokees Thor. I think this figure is proof that Blokees uses Hot Toys as reference.

Hot Toys Thor from Avengers 2012. Image from the Hot Toys website.
After assembly, I felt very off about it. Then I realized that Blokees Thor has red forearms. After a bit of costume research, I understood why this is. Thor actually had some red cloth underneath his metal vambraces. That red cloth didn’t reach up to his elbows, though. Still, I understand because there’s only one forearm piece and Blokees had to choose between representing the silver scales that covers Thor’s arms, or some red color.

There’s too much red on that forearm for me.
And then I realized that Thor’s costume from his chest up to his boots are all dark blue. This is my biggest complaint with this figurine, actually. The version of Thor that had a lot of blue was in Thor: Love and Thunder, but that had a lot of gold as well. The only reference material that I found that had blue as his costume is the Hot Toys release of Avengers Thor, but that figure had a blue that’s so dark, it comes off as black. I looked at movie stills and Thor’s costume in those pictures were very black to my eyes.

Close view of Thor’s lower body.
The pattern on Thor’s boots are actually quite similar to the Avengers 2012 costume, except for a strip in the middle that shouldn’t have been painted silver. And the same goes for the pattern on Thor’s armor.

Close up of Thor’s upper body.
It’s not 100% accurate but you can see the effort in making the pattern similar to the actual costume and how they worked around the limitations of the Blokees pieces. The color issue doesn’t stop there, though. Thor’s hair and beard are bright orange, which I’d associate closer to being a redhead than a blonde. I wish they used a light shade of brown or a version of gold that isn’t shiny for his hair instead of this. Thor rarely wears his winged helmet in the films but Blokees Thor has it. I prefer Thor without the helmet. His helmet does look great though.

Thor’s flowing red cape.
Blokees Thor is meant to wear his red cape. You can remove it, but that leaves his hair floating in mid-air. There’s a visible cut point just below Thor’s hair. I wish they had made it in such a way that the cut point would be hidden by the hair. But it’s not a big deal.

Mjolnir looks great. Until you see what’s hidden underneath.
Mjolnir should have been easy to recreate, and for the most part there are no issues. It is painted silver with a wooden handle. The head is a little big in proportion to Thor, but not too big to be an issue. The problem is that the head is actually hollow. Certain poses will show the empty space inside the head. I would have preferred it if the head came in two pieces so that they can make it look completely solid.

Thor vs Thanos.
Finally, Blokees Thor is another figure that I wish had an extra pair of hands that are closed fists. Thor is a character that punches, so we should be able to put him in punching poses.
When I started collecting these Marvel Blokees figurines, I wanted to have the Big Three (Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor) and Thanos at a minimum, so I was really looking forward to pulling Thor. But all the issues that I mentioned easily makes Blokees Thor the most disappointing figure that I wanted out of Series 1.

The God of Thunder, Mighty Thor!
But that’s simply because achieving a certain level of accuracy is important to me. The biggest issue being that the red and blue color scheme reminds me more of Spider-Man or Superman, and not Thor. Additional small issues, like Thor’s hair color, having his helmet, and a hollow Mjolnir, just add to the disappointment. I’m still happy to have him in my collection, but I’m also wishing for a more accurate Thor to be released in future sets. Maybe one with Stormbreaker.
If your expectations on accuracy are not as high as mine, you should be happy with Blokees Thor. The figure was easy to assemble, the pieces are sculpted well, and the level of articulation will allow you to come up with a lot of good poses.
Check out my other Blokees reviews here!