Against my better judgment, I played X-Men: Wolverine’s Rage for the Game Boy Color. And boy, was it a waste of time.

Against my better judgment, I played X-Men: Wolverine’s Rage for the Game Boy Color. And boy, was it a waste of time.
Is Blade on the Game Boy Color worth sinking your teeth into? Let me talk about my experience with this multi-genre title.
A Resident Evil game on a Game Boy? Yes, that’s what Resident Evil Gaiden is. Let’s talk about this attempt at portable survival horror.
Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six is the second Spider-Man game to come out on the Game Boy Color. How good will the sequel be? Let’s find out!
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is the video game tie-in of a DC Animated Universe film that went direct-to-video. Let’s talk about it.
The Game Boy Color version of Spider-Man was unfortunately overshadowed by the Playstation version. Was this game worth our attention?
X-Men: Mutant Wars is the second attempt at making an X-Men game for the Game Boy Color. Will this be a better game? Let’s talk about it!
X-Men: Mutant Academy is a fighting game for the Game Boy Color based on the X-Men. How well does it hold up today? Read on to find out.
Will a video game based on a supporting character work? I played Catwoman for the Nintendo Game Boy Color to find out. Let’s talk about it!