I finally had the chance to play the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance game! Let’s talk about my experience with it.

I finally had the chance to play the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance game! Let’s talk about my experience with it.
I missed out on the video games based on Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies. So I made sure to check the first one recently.
X-Men Legends II is the sequel to one of my favorite games of all-time. Let’s talk about how good the sequel is compared to the first game.
X-Men Legends is one of my favorite games of all time. I replayed it recently to see how it holds up after all these years.
Let’s see if Captain America: Super Soldier on Nintendo DS will be good enough to do it’s source material justice!
Let’s see if Captain America: Super Soldier on Nintendo DS will be good enough to do it’s source material justice!
Thor: God of Thunder on the Nintendo DS is an underrated hidden gem. Let me tell you why I liked this game so much.
The next Nintendo DS game based on a Marvel Cinematic Universe film on my list is The Incredible Hulk. Let’s talk about this game today!
Iron Man on Nintendo DS is based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe film. Will this game live up to the standards of the source? Let’s find out!
Against my better judgment, I played X-Men: Wolverine’s Rage for the Game Boy Color. And boy, was it a waste of time.
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro doesn’t have a lot of improvements. It’s just more of what the first game did right, which makes it awesome.
They said that the Dreamcast version is the definitive version of Spider-Man (2000). My Spider-Sense tells me they got that one right.
I seldom enjoy fighting games, but there’s something about Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes that I couldn’t ignore. Let’s talk about it!
Here’s a look back at the games I enjoyed playing several years ago. Let’s talk about Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions for the Nintendo DS.
The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback is another video game for the Game Boy that’s based on a Marvel Comics character. Let’s talk about it!
Rounding out the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy on the Game Boy Advance is Spider-Man 3. Let’s see if the series will end on a high note!
The previous Fantastic Four on GBA was terrible. Will focusing the game on one character work? Let’s play Fantastic 4: Flame On and find out!
X-Men: The Official Game on GBA was developed by WayForward Technologies (Shantae) so let’s see how they did with a licensed game.
Arcade’s Revenge is another game with an all-star cast for the SNES. Will a game based on Spider-Man and the X-Men be good? Let’s find out!
Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety is the sequel to one of my most beloved video games of all time. Am I going to love the sequel too?
The greatest of Marvel’s heroes are up against Thanos in a race to collect the Infinity Gems in War of the Gems for the SNES. Let’s talk about it!
I almost skipped over X-Men: Mojo World without attempting to play it. Let me talk about why I’m glad that I didn’t.
Will it be possible for a video game to be good if it’s based on a bad movie? Let’s play Ghost Rider for the Game Boy Advance and find out!
The Punisher was a popular Marvel character in the 1990s. Will he translate well to video games? I played the Sega Genesis game to find out.
X-Men is another video game title that I played in the past. I thought this game was overrated though. Will my opinion of it change now?
Is Blade on the Game Boy Color worth sinking your teeth into? Let me talk about my experience with this multi-genre title.
Spider-Man 2 for the Game Boy Advance is a sequel that came from the same developers as the previous game. Let’s talk about it today!
Video games based on Wolverine haven’t been good. Let’s see if X2: Wolverine’s Revenge for the Game Boy Advance can break the curse.
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six is the only Spider-Man title on the NES. Will this be as bad as other LJN games? Read on to find out.
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes was only released in Japan. Let’s talk about the what the rest of the world missed out on.
All three Spider-Man movies had video game tie-ins released for the Game Boy Advance. Let’s talk about the first one and see if it’s good.
I had a hard time with this game when I first tried it years ago. Now, I’ve got another shot at Captain America and the Avengers for the NES.
Will the Daredevil video game for the Game Boy Advance be better than it’s movie counterpart? Let’s talk about it today to find out!
Maximum Carnage is one of my favorite video games of all time. I played the game recently and yes, it remains to be one of my favorite games.
X-Men 2: Clone Wars is lauded by many as one of the best titles to be released for the Sega Genesis. How good is this game? Let’s find out!
The Amazing Spider-Man is the first Spider-Man video game for the Nintendo Game Boy. How well does it hold up today? Let’s find out.
Spider-Man: Mysterio’s Menace is the first of many Spider-Man games released for the Game Boy Advance. Is it any good? Let’s talk about it!
After ten years, we finally have the third game in the popular Ultimate Alliance franchise. Was Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 worth the wait?
Iron Man finally gets his own video game in The Invincible Iron Man. Is this game any good? Let’s talk about it today!
Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six is the second Spider-Man game to come out on the Game Boy Color. How good will the sequel be? Let’s find out!
Capcom tried their hand at an X-Men action game with X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse. How well did they do? Let’s talk about the game today!
The Incredible Hulk is another Marvel Comics hero that’s a great fit for video games. Let’s see if the SNES version is worth playing today.
Silver Surfer became notorious after being featured by the Angry Video Game Nerd as a terrible game. Is it really as bad as he says?
The Game Boy Color version of Spider-Man was unfortunately overshadowed by the Playstation version. Was this game worth our attention?
X-Men: Mutant Wars is the second attempt at making an X-Men game for the Game Boy Color. Will this be a better game? Let’s talk about it!
Wolverine is usually a playable character in X-Men games. How will he do in his own video game? Let’s play Wolverine on NES to find out!
The Punisher is another licensed game from LJN for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Will this be another bad LJN game? Let’s find out!
I was able to play Spider-Man vs The Kingpin years ago and never came close to beating it. Let me tell you what happened when I tried again.
I played Captain America and the Avengers arcade game a lot when I was a kid. Let’s revisit the Sega Genesis 16-bit home console port today!
Tim Story’s 2005 film Fantastic Four was critically panned. Will a video game based on it do better? Let’s play the Game Boy Advance version.
X-Men: Mutant Academy is a fighting game for the Game Boy Color based on the X-Men. How well does it hold up today? Read on to find out.
Here’s a look back at the games I enjoyed playing several years ago. Today let’s talk about X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse for the Nintendo Gamecube.