I started playing this little mobile game called Marvel Snap since March 2023 (the Days of Future Past season) and I’ve been quite hooked since! I hit Infinite Rank by my fourth season. I’ve hit Infinite rank multiple times since then, each one with a different deck. Since Marvel Snap is a live service game that is undergoing continuous development, the competition continues to evolve. New cards get introduced in the game, and existing cards can sometimes be changed for better or for worse. As time goes by, these old decks may see significant changes. I’ve decided to write about these decks since I’m a sentimental guy and I want to capture these moments. For May 2024, I used a deck that I’d like to refer to as Blech.
Deck Details
Infinite Deck Name: Blech
Season Used: A Blink in Time (May 2024)
Deck Description: This deck wants you play on curve if you can starting on Turn 2. Then, play Leech or Jubilee on Turn 4. Replace them with Blink on Turn 5 to get a power advantage, and finish it off on Turn 6 with your 6-Cost of choice.
Deck Breakdown
Card List: Domino, Red Guardian, Nocturne, Jubilee, Leech, Enchantress, Klaw, Blink, Vision, Doctor Doom, Red Hulk, Magneto
Card Roles:
- Domino – Guaranteed draw on Turn 2. For playing on curve.
- Red Guardian – Special tech against low Power cards like Quinjet, The Collector, Iron Man, etc.
- Nocturne – Tech against locations.
- Jubilee – Gets another card from your deck and plays it at the same location.
- Leech – Disables On Reveal abilities of cards in your opponent’s hand.
- Enchantress – Tech against Ongoing abilities.
- Klaw – Blink target. 12 total Power for a 5-Cost card
- Blink – Replaces your last card with a higher cost one.
- Vision – Blink pull target. Can relocate.
- Doctor Doom – Blink pull target. Good Turn 6 play for going wide.
- Red Hulk – Blink pull target. Good Turn 6 play for going tall.
- Magneto – Blink pull target. Tricky disruption play against opponents.
Key Card Strategies
Leech into Blink: I named the deck Blech because it revolves around playing Leech on Turn 4 who disables all On Reveal abilities of the cards in your opponent’s hand. Leech’s low Power offsets his powerful ability but playing Blink on Turn 5 then changes Leech into a random 5-Cost or 6-Cost card that’s still in your deck. It’s a really powerful combo that players complained about during the season, resulting in a quick nerf (more on this later). Jubilee, Domino, Red Guardian and Nocturne are all good targets for replacing in case you didn’t draw/play Leech.
3-Cost Tech: To fill out the Blech deck, I included two of the newer 3-Cost cards. Red Guardian deals with early threats like The Collector, Nebula, or Morbius. It can even disable Iron Man in Living Tribunal decks. For as long as there is an opposing card where you play him, Red Guardian is useful. Nocturne allows you to deal with locations that are going against your deck.
The Replacements: As long as you’re replacing a 4-Cost card, the replacement cards in Blech are great as replacements or as actual plays. Klaw gives 12 Power across two locations and can help you with locked locations. Vision is Power that can relocate where needed. Doctor Doom gives 5 Power in each open location. Red Hulk can amass lots of Power, and Magneto can mess up your opponent’s card placement.
Other Notes: There was a lot of debate about Domino in Blech over a card like Jeff. I didn’t really care about the arguments for or against, I just had a great looking Jim Lee variant of Domino and I wanted to use it. Always being able to play a card on Turn 2 was good.
Deck Evolution
What’s Changed in This Deck? If I can remember correctly, the nerf hammer was fast for this one. Leech was changed back to a 5-Cost card a few days after I made it to Infinite, even before the season ended. That really broke the Blech deck’s main combo. Red Hulk was also changed from a 9 Power card that gains 4 Power every turn your opponent has unspent energy, to a 10 Power card that only gains 3 Power.
What’s Changed in the Meta? Recently, I’ve been having trouble writing about this section because unlike last year, the meta has been really changing fast. It’s getting hard to remember what the meta was for each of these months and what happened after. Because of that, I’ll be dropping this part of my write ups.
I was under some self-imposed pressure to get to Infinite this season as it would have been my 12th straight time. I was net-decking heavily in desperation. Thank goodness several people posted different versions of the Blech deck and one of them worked for me. The Leech-Blink combo was disgustingly broken though (hence the name Blech, as it was vomit-inducing) and I’m not surprised that Leech was changed two weeks after Blink was released. I’ve seen Blink in Electro ramp decks which are good in the right hands. But the Blech deck was a flash in the pan that I’m glad I was able to take advantage of.